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Kuttipisasu030510 6
Release Date : 7 May 2010
Genre : Thriller | Family | Comedy
Starcast : Delhi Ganesh, Riyaz Khan
Description : The story is about a happy family (Ramji, Sangeetha and their girl daughter Keerthika). No worries have ever haunted them until their daughter goes by phenomenal activities. Later, they discover that their child is haunted by Sangeetha's long time friend Kaveri's ghost. At the same time, the car turning into a huge robot shocks the entire town. It's exposed that ghost of Kaveri's brother (Ganja Karuppu). The second half breaks open a discombobulating mystery behind the death of Kaveri and her brother and what're are their ghosts about to do with.
Duration : 2hrs 6mins
Size : 137mb

Kutti_Pisasu_DVDR_1_Mr.Naughty.avi (67931 KB)

Kutti_Pisasu_DVDR_2_Mr.Naughty.avi (67849 KB)